What You Can Do About Low Back Pain

Most of the population will have to endure low back pain at some time in their lives. There are many things that one could do on their own to help mitigate and prevent it from being a disabling factor in their life. This article will help to simplify some of the care that you can implement to curb back pian.

When performing specific exercises, it is important to listen to your body that you don’t exacerbate the problem. There are many exercises that are low back specific. This article should be helpful in determining what might work best for you.

All patients are different, so it is important that you pick a routine that works for you. Our office provides a very detailed exercise program that allows the patient to choose what exercises will work best for them.

Dr. William Morgan of Morgan Chiropractic in Stuart Florida will start his low back pain patients with conservative therapy and manual adjustments to lower ones pain level. Once the pain is at a level where exercises can be done without exacerbating the problem, a preventative and curative exercise program will be implemented.

The use of a yoga ball is very helpful in stretching the lower back. Floor exercises such as laying face up and raising knees to the chest has been very effective in stretching the low back. From a chair one can fold over their lap and reach to the floor. From there one can cross a leg over the opposite knee and stretch the hip and sacroiliac joint. Pulling the knee towards the opposite shoulder will counter stretch the opposing connective tissue.

Exercises will be added as one improves and all programs will be based on patient tolerance. When this is incorporated with regular chiropractic care our office has shown that 90% of the patients show great improvement and return to their normal active lifestyles. It is important to be persistent and develop a routine of care at the chiropractor and at home. If one is dedicated to their overall wellness, back pain will not rule their existence.

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