Forward Head Posture & Chiropractic

Forward head posture has become the norm. The use of computers, smart phones and tablets has contributed to this postural problem. Forward head posture is frequently associated with neck pain and dysfunction.

Your head weighs on average about 10-12 pounds. This is about as much as what a bowling ball weights. The connective tissue of the neck is responsible for supporting the head. The cervical spine is what it sits on top of. The cervical spine should have a curve when viewed from the side. This allows for shock absorption and proper flow of the spinal cord and nerve roots that exit the cervical spine. When the head and neck is consistently forced into a forward position such as what happens when using smart phones, it can distort this structure and add to the strain that is put on the connective tissue. This can lead to neck pain, upper back pain and headaches. When the head comes forward it can add up to 4 times the amount of weight that your cervical spine and connective tissues must support.

Chiropractors specialize in dealing with these postural problems. It is quite common to present with this forward head position when a neck pain patient comes to the chiropractor. This strain in the skeletal and connective tissue can lead to long lasting dysfunction and pain.

Chiropractic adjustments as well as therapeutic modalities are essential in correcting this postural distortion. Advice on lifestyle change and specific exercises are generally prescribed by the Doctor of Chiropractic. Dr. William Morgan of Morgan Chiropractic in Stuart Florida has had years of experience correcting this issue. In cooperation with his patients this problem can be corrected and have a lasting result. If you are having neck pain, come and pay us a visit. You will be on your way to a pain free existence and better overall function.

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