A Closer Look At Headaches

Most folks have dealt with a headache at some time in their lives. In fact, 2 out of 3 children will have a headache before they turn 15 years old. When it comes to adults about 90% of them will experience a headache at some time in their lives. It is likely that most of us will have to deal with a headache at some point in our lives.

Genetics and age can play a part as to the type and intensity of headaches. There are different types of headaches, and it is not unheard of for people to deal with more than one at a time.

Duration and intensity of headaches vary with different folks. It may be a chronic issue or something that might come and go depending on the person. Regardless they can get in the way of a happy and healthy lifestyle.

The cost of headaches for this country can be in the billions of dollars when you account for the many missed days of work that may result from headaches. Education is also affected because of the number of days that get missed at school. It is easy to see how headaches are a serious problem not only for the individual but society at large.

There are several types of headaches. Migraines can truly be debilitating. These are vascular in nature. The blood vessels will dilate and enlarge and irritate the nerves inside the head. This can cause throbbing pain, nausea and vomiting. These types of headaches are particularly sensitive to light and noise. An aura will also be a precursor to a migraine headache.

The most common type of headache is the tension headache. These are usually triggered by stress. Intensity can range from mild to intense and can affect all ages. Most will have pain in both sides of the head when experiencing a tension headache.

Other things such as underlying illnesses may also be primary to a headache. Chiropractic care is one of the best options when dealing with headaches. It is natural and completely drug free. Dr. William Morgan of Morgan Chiropractic in Stuart Florida has treated headache patients with great success for almost 3 decades.

Thousands of Doctors of Chiropractic across the United States and Canada have taken "The ChiroTrust Pledge":“To the best of my ability, I agree to
provide my patients convenient, affordable,
and mainstream Chiropractic care.
I will not use unnecessary long-term
treatment plans and/or therapies.”


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