Leg Pain & Dysfunction

Low back pain can be debilitating. Your entire existence is affected when dealing with acute low back pain. It is not always as typical as localized pain in the back. Symptoms such as shooting pain, numbness or tingling into the lower extremity can really muddle the water.

The spinal column is an amazing piece of anatomy. It is responsible for protecting the spinal cord. The spinal cord is the pathway of all the messages sent from the brain to the rest of the body. It allows for movement, protection, shock absorption, (via the intervertebral disc), and allowing the spinal nerves to exit and communicate with rest of the body.

These spinal nerves can be affected by many causes. Arthritic changes add calcium to these areas and lessen the amount of space allowed for the spinal nerves to exit. Herniated disc and bone spurs can also compress these nerves. The most common cause of this compression is when the actual vertebrae are out of alignment. This is where you can develop problems into the lower extremity. This causes great difficulty with walking and general lifestyle activities.

When injuries occur, the disc can become herniated. This can happen at any age and is not necessarily due to aging. All these causations can affect anyone at any age and can change your life in a very negative way.

Chiropractic management of all these conditions offers a non-invasive, effective form of non-surgical, non-drug care and is recommended in LBP guidelines as an option when treating these conditions. Dr William Morgan of Morgan Chiropractic in Stuart Florida has been treating low back problems for 30 years. Come pay us a visit if you are experiencing any of these problems.

Thousands of Doctors of Chiropractic across the United States and Canada have taken "The ChiroTrust Pledge":“To the best of my ability, I agree to
provide my patients convenient, affordable,
and mainstream Chiropractic care.
I will not use unnecessary long-term
treatment plans and/or therapies.”


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